RN, Teresa, wins a DAISY Award!

February 22, 2022 |

Aya traveler, Teresa, won a DAISY Award after a patient nominated her for her attentive care and the positive impact she had on their stay in the hospital.

The patient wrote, “I entered the ER coughing up blood and terribly frightened. Teresa was my nurse. As she tended to me over the next 12 hours, and as I moved back and forth from ER to ICU, I felt helpless. I want Teresa to know that she was extremely helpful, as well as instructive, steady and respectful. She taught me to use a device and pointed out the benefit of it. She kept checking back, looking me in the eyes. She made me feel seen. It was important to me to watch my SpO2 number, and she kept the monitor in my sight as I focused on calming my panic and breathing. Many details about my time in the hospital are mixed up in my mind, but I do remember the compassionate and dignified care Teresa provided me. Teresa, I lived! Thank you, thank you.”

Congratulations on your well-deserved award, Teresa!

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