Audrey receives a DAISY Award nomination

December 11, 2023 |

A patient nominated Audrey for a DAISY Award for her kindness.

The patient wrote, “I was recently hospitalized for 10 days for diverticulosis. Audrey was my night nurse on day six. After a short conversation, Audrey sensed I was frustrated with my slow recovery. She listened patiently to me and then expressed a simple and sincere act of kindness. She smiled and said, ‘I think you’re going to be okay. I know you’re going to be fine.’ This was simply a caring, honest and kind opinion from a nurse who felt I should know I would be okay. Sometimes that’s all a patient needs — a smile and some encouraging words. Thank you very much, Audrey. Your kindness helped so much in my recovery!”

Congratulations on the nomination, Audrey! Your thoughtful care is an inspiration to your patients. Keep it up!

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